
Blog articles from JRS UK

The one-stop process in the New Plan for Immigration – a cynical attack on due process

08 June 2021

For a long time, the asylum system has been warped by a culture of disbelief, writes Sophie


“To volunteer is to act out of love”

01 June 2021

Sarah Teather, Director of JRS UK, shares a message of thanks for Volunteers' Week


“Determining the worthiness of those seeking sanctuary on the basis of how they got to the UK is inhumane, destructive, and dishonest”

19 May 2021

The New Plan for Immigration wilfully ignores the realities of forced migration writes Sophie


Baby Bundles that bring joy & wellbeing to refugee families

13 May 2021

"One of my favourite tasks is to compile a baby bundle for friends" writes Jasmine


Hope of a secure home turned to horror for those held at Napier barracks

12 May 2021

Sophie shares the experiences of those seeking asylum, this Mental Health Awareness week


“If I work I go to prison”

29 April 2021

On the feast of St Joseph the Worker this weekend, refugees reflect on the ban on working


A common humanity and human need.

21 April 2021

Take action with JRS to oppose new government proposals which would deny refugees safe haven


“Small encounters that leave me changed by the end of the day”

09 April 2021

Mikhael & Sam reflect on encountering refugees, and the joy of humble tasks at JRS


“Dying and rising with Jesus”

01 April 2021

Sr Vianney reflects on how refugee friends reflect the suffering of Jesus this Easter Triduum


Women’s World Day of Prayer

04 March 2021

Our friends from the Refugee Women's Prayer Group share their hopes & prayers for their sisters


Jesuit Refugee Service UK
The Hurtado Jesuit Centre
2 Chandler Street, London E1W 2QT

020 7488 7310

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