
News articles from JRS UK

JRS Statement: Napier Barracks must close immediately

06 September 2021

We & others call on government to ensure asylum claimants have safe & dignified accommodation


Refugee friends visit Kew Gardens in “fabulous and memorable” outing

02 September 2021

"Thank you so much once again it was a blast!”


The UK government must protect Afghans seeking sanctuary

18 August 2021

JRS UK signs open letter urging government to establish protection solutions for Afghans


British government must protect Afghans forced to flee their home by providing safe routes to claiming asylum in the UK

16 August 2021

"In an emergency, refugees have little freedom on how they travel to safety or where they go"


Donated bags restore dignity to men held at Napier barracks

11 August 2021

"This means no-one will be walking out of Napier with a black bin bag of belongings"


70 years of The Refugee Convention

28 July 2021

The JRS community on why the 1951 Refugee Convention is still saving lives


Emilie House for destitute refugee women becomes a home

21 July 2021

JRS accommodation provides refugee women safety and comfort from a life on the street


“Where is our shared sense of humanity?” JRS condemns government’s new Borders Bill

09 July 2021

"The government knows these plans are unworkable, immoral & will build more walls to sanctuary"


New proposals are “cruel and fundamentally dishonest: Is this really the Britain we aspire to be?”

05 July 2021

JRS UK condemns government proposals that criminalise people arriving in the UK to seek asylum


Jesuit Refugee Service UK
The Hurtado Jesuit Centre
2 Chandler Street, London E1W 2QT

020 7488 7310

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